Lunefashion won the Blogger Recognition Award :D

This and the next blog post won’t be regular ones and this has two reasons. Firstly, this has to do with the fact that this blog is all about the Blogger Recognition Award, which I got last week (so proud!!!!!!  😀 ). Secondly, this blog is different from the other posts because it’s in English and this has everything to do with the fact that I want to thank Maclincica ( for nominating me for this award!


But what is a Blogger Recognition Award?

The Blogger Recognition Award is an award from bloggers to bloggers. With this award bloggers recognize and encourage the hard work and love they put in their blogs. Moreover, this award is a ‘thank you’ for the contribution they make to the blogosphere.

When receiving this award bloggers are expected to tell their story of why they started blogging and give other bloggers two pieces of advice. Lastly, they also have to nominate other blogs for this award.


So why did I start blogging?

Well actually, my blog is something I started without really thinking it through. I had written a couple of articles on my outfits and I thought it might be nice to share this with some people. In the beginning, it was more like a blog only for friends and family. But this changed, especially during the last year. Receiving appreciation and encouragement from people I don’t know gives a really good feeling. That’s why I also very happy to receive this award. All this together inspired me to go further with this hobby. Probably, some of you already noticed that I’m following a course on styling and personal shopping. I will have my certificates by the end of the summer and my plan is then to continue with this and (in the long run) offer workshops on colors and styling and personal shopper sessions. My blog will then be my marketing tool (I’m also doing a course of the Google Digital Marketing Academy) on which I tell the story of my clients and show you before and after pictures. I already have a whole plan for this, but you will hear more about it soon, I promise!


Two pieces of advice:

Be comfortable with what you do and tell. In the beginning I was struggling with posting pictures about myself and telling personal stuff (because you know, it’s still the Internet and I’m a researcher of risk on the Internet 😉 ). My advice is not to do things you are not comfortable with.

The second advise it actually related to the first one: don’t lose yourself. A lot of bloggers want to be big and do everything to achieve this, but remember that the public expects you to be honest with them. Don’t accept money or products for a review if you don’t like the product, because in the end, it will not match with the story you are trying to tell your readers.

My nominees will follow on Saterday….

Are you convinced that your blog also deserves this award? Then let me know in a reaction to this article and I will check it out!


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6 reacties

  1. Hoi meid,
    Ik volg normaalgezien nooit blogs, heb geen Facebook of instagram (noem mij maar oud, haha) en kwam op je blog terecht na een zoekterm in google om een kledingstuk te combineren.
    Ik kom hier elke week eens piepen en vind hier telkens leuke inspiratie en ook nét dat tikkeltje lef om dingen te gaan dragen die ik als typisch mezelf omschrijf maar naar de buitenwereld ‘raar’ zijn. (Vb mijn knielange A-lijn bruine leder rok die ik voor een prikje in de outlet vond)
    Pluim op je hoed!
    Groetjes en ga zo door 😉

    1. Dag E.C., dank je wel voor deze lieve comment! Zoals je in mijn blog post kon lezen apprecieer ik dit soort spontane comments enorm. Hopelijk kan ik je in de toekomst blijven inspireren!

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